Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A man was killed Monday when the motorcycle he was operating hit a speed bump

Ronn Terrell Deese, 38, of 429 Fairley St. in Laurinburg, was traveling north at 90 mph when the crash happened at 1:29 a.m., said 1st Sgt. Freddy Johnson.

Deese was in the middle of the road when his 2003 Harley-Davidson hit the slightly raised bump in a pedestrian crosswalk beside UNCP and then crashed into a street sign, Johnson said.

Deese was thrown from the motorcycle. He was wearing a helmet, but it did not meet approved safety standards, Johnson said.

Deese was pronounced dead at Southeastern Regional Medical Center, Johnson said.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so easy to miss a speed bump on a dark night! Watch out guys!