Two Ocala residents were transported to a Putnam hospital on Friday night after the vehicle they were traveling in struck a utility pole, causing the pole to fall and temporarily knocking out electricity in the area, Florida Highway Patrol troopers say. FHP officials in Putnam County said Sheena Bowermaster, 24, and Christopher Isherwood, 29, were in a 2003 Jeep Liberty when Bowermaster, who was the driver, lost control of the vehicle and it drove onto the west grass shoulder. Bowermaster then overcorrected, authorities said, by steering sharply to the left, and the vehicle slid sideways on the shoulder and the rear struck a power pole, causing the upper portion to snap and fall onto the roadway. Power to portions of the Interlachen area was
disconnected, and Florida Power and Light officials were called to replace the pole and restore power to the area. The roadway was closed due to a power line lying in the roadway.
The accident occurred on County Road 315, just north of 64th Street in Interlachen. Both occupants, who were wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash, were transported
to Putnam Community Hospital with minor injuries.
Ocala Star Banner
Marion County
June 2, 2011
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